
海興故障大(dà)數(shù)據 BD-GF


       海興故障大(dà)數(shù)據BD-GF (Big Data for Grid Faults) 利用大(dà)數(shù)據和(hé)人(rén)工智能技(jì)術(shù)通(tōng)過對故障錄波數(shù)據、故障指示器(qì)數(shù)據、調度自動化數(shù)據等電(diàn)氣量以及雷電(diàn)監測數(shù)據、圖像監測數(shù)據等非電(diàn)氣量的深度融合和(hé)綜合挖掘,實現配電(diàn)線路接地選線,分支和(hé)非均勻線路以及超高(gāo)壓、特高(gāo)壓輸電(diàn)線路的準确故障定位,為(wèi)快速查找電(diàn)網線路故障、修複故障、提高(gāo)供電(diàn)可(kě)靠性提供強有(yǒu)力的技(jì)術(shù)保障。

        By using big data and AI techniques and through deeply integrating and comprehensively mining the data generated by digital fault recorders, digital fault indicators, Energy Management System, lightning detecting system, visual monitoring systems, etc., BD-GF (Big Data for Grid Faults) provides a suite of fault analysis and diagnosis functions: distribution feeder grounding fault identification, tapped and non-homogeneous line fault location, two- and three-terminal transmission and UHV transmission line fault location, and thus strong support for finding faults quickly, restoring service rapidly, and improving reliability significantly.